Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Question Formation

This is a book.
Is this a book?
Yes, it is.
This is a thick book.

This is a pencil.
Is this a pencil?
Yes, it is.
This is a sharp pencil.

This is a bag.
Is this a bag?
Yes, it is.
This is a black bag.
This is my black bag.

This is a computer.
Is this a computer?
Yes, this is a computer.
This is a notebook computer.

This is a pen.
Is this a pen?
Yes, this is a pen.
This is a black pen.

This is a glass.
Is this a glass?
Yes, it is.
This is a glass.
This is a glass of milk.

This is a picture.
Is this a picture?
Yes this is a picture.
This is a picture of a boy.

This is a table.
Is this a table?
Yes, it is.
This is a round table.
This is a round beautiful table.

This is an eraser.
Is this an eraser?
Yes, it is.
This is a nice pink eraser.

This is a lamp.
Is this a lamp?
Yes, it is.
This as a pretty lamp.
This is a unique lamp.


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